*~you're the best Dad a daughter can get~*
And we had cake. From Lavender Bakery Shop. LOL. It's not those 'frosty-white-icing-sweet-vanilla-or-chocolate' cake, but just a simple 'Cheese Cake'
So, as we were eating our cakes, my mum kept praising it.
'...so bouncy, so fluffy.. and not sweet.'
I looked at my sister and we two laughed. My mum actually praised the cake for not being sweet.
Oh well. This is the only 'generation gap' between us. We can actually talk to each other about EVERYTHING. *coughevenaboutkpopcelebritiescough* ^//////^
= *
Happy Birthday to another sidekick of mine. Always rummaging my things around in the house. *coughlolcough*
.......DAE SUNG from BigBANG! *clapclapclap*
Sorry, Dae-boy, but you really gotta lay off the habit of bossing T.O.P around in variety shows.
If you guys don't who Dae-boy is, here are some..pics.
Message to Dae-boy: Smile more and your fans will smile with you. (:
Bully T.O.P, and I'll get you back. > ;)
Oh, and conquer the Trot-world in Korea, okay? :D
Thx. :D
Look what I found today!
It's a great haul. Yes it is! A really great haullllll.
I found this :~
dang. I can't watermark the pic as I'm currently Adobe Photoshop-less. D| So I'll use my sister's one. :D
What's this?: BigBang 2nd Live Concert; GREAT Concert
Price: RM29.90
Location of product: Popular Bookstore
What's inside?: 1 DVD CD
I was squealing with joy and pinching myself on the cheeks, asking this one question. "AM I DREAMING?!?!" XD
Yeah, so I'm planning to watch it on the Plasma TV bought a few weeks ago. I'll be watching it on Friday. Labour Dayyyy holiday. :D
That's all~ Kkthx :D