Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What? YooBin? // TOP. (:

Yoo Bin, a guy in her past?

Here's Yoobin, the rapper from Wonder Girls :


To think that she's a guy? Maybe, cause of her 'a little' boyish side.

But this?! :

Her past as a 'tomboy'. Damnn. Such a 'pretty' boy. *__*; Some even doubt that's her. So up to you to decide. (:

As for me, I think it's 50-50. XD;


T.O.P fr. BigBang

Godddddddaammnn. He's so fckin cute && hot. >__< Performance. (:

MC-ing @ Music Core; MBC

T.O.P + Suit = O_O;; fr. Only Look At Me; TaeYang MV

I prefer him with this hair. Waaaaaaaay hotter. X'D

Will end here. (:

~ Bye ladies. (fr. Strong Baby ; Seung Ri)

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