It's the 'Sweet 7-teen'. You get your license, freedom, graduation from High School, everything on that year. My dad said he'll get me a new phone, a car, a laptop after graduation. D: D:
TEMPTING MUCH?? D: D:!! But seriously, it's time for me to FOCUS on the bullseye. At least a 'Distinction' for all my Science subjects.
So, I turned 16 today. 8th March. Women's day, and many other March Babies out there.Dang, on 8th of March, at least 3 people are celebrating it with me. Not special anymore. D':
But anyway, Happy Birthday to all March Babies! (including the FT Island March Babies :D) Wen, I'm wishing you too! Tee hee.
Later imma eat my ice-cream cake! Guess what? BASKIN ROBBINS ICE CREAM CAKE! Weeewt! :D Big Bang totally made a success endorsing this product, look at how many BR fans you've attracted now? Hahaha.
..So my mum bought my birthday present today. She got me this 'Milk Teddy' purse I've always wanted. It's simple, but yay! :D
And I asked my dad to get me the headphones for my Walkman phone. Better quality and stylish ones. B)
My sis is gonna get me a necklace! :D:D I'm excited! :D:D! ~ *언제나 당신을 사랑해*~
THANKS to ALL that wished me Happy Birthday today!!
And also, thanks to my classmate who gave me a bear with a chocolate! Hahah~~ The chocolate is delicious! :D

Listening to 988fm noww. K-POP segment time :DD !
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