This whole week was really hectic;
Canteen Day (Tuesday) held at my school, which I helped out to serve Indomee to the little Primary kids, but LOL, it was failed ): Too many of them, RAWR. And all of them were stampeding all over, but nevertheless, we had much much fun :) Not to mention completing our Art folio too, -.-;
Then on Wednesday, I had to stay in the Art room for the whole day to finish my Printmaking project. It took A LOT of time rolling paint all over my lino pad and rubbing the art block with a spoon, omgah. -.-! Really hard work. But staying in the room paid off, since my test prints were alright, and I was done :D
THEN today, Thursday, was when the examiner will come to inspect our projects (the Art folio). My teacher is a really last minute man, so he made us all panicked and nearly went insane. He said the examiner would come at 10am, so 8.15am, when our school starts, we ran like mad to the Exam Unit and finished our folios. If you enter that room at that time, I tell you, you can pee in your pants. -__-! The tension there is REALLY great, the whole room is radiating with it. Then the examiner came at 10.30am, (this is Malaysian attitude benefit LOL, cos we Malaysians are always late -.-!) and LOL, we weren't all that done yet, but of course, we erased all our evidence that we were actually had a war in there. And most of us have not complete our folios 100%, that's why I'm feeling so ARRRRGHH right now ):
ANYWAY, tomorrow is talentime for our school. :) No studies throughout the whole day, and my friend who is an ex-student is coming too :D And I'll be off to my hometown after school at 1 :)
I've been waiting for this for so long :))
Goodnight! :)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
It's late news actually.
I'm chosen to join the National Service, O:
It's like, we were at school then my friends were accessing the Khidmat Negara's website and got the list of IC's from the SPM list (LOL, this is what I call ke poh lahh), then they TYPED EVERY SINGLE NAME AND CHECKED T_T;
I was clueless, until I went into my class and then my friend shouted "YOU'RE CHOSEN FOR NS!", I was like "OMGAH WHAT SHOULD I DO?!"
But then, I came home and googled all about NS, and it turned out quite okay. Through people's experience, it doesn't sound all that bad, :)
So I let Chansung off with a little closing..
k bye, :)
It's late news actually.
I'm chosen to join the National Service, O:
It's like, we were at school then my friends were accessing the Khidmat Negara's website and got the list of IC's from the SPM list (LOL, this is what I call ke poh lahh), then they TYPED EVERY SINGLE NAME AND CHECKED T_T;
I was clueless, until I went into my class and then my friend shouted "YOU'RE CHOSEN FOR NS!", I was like "OMGAH WHAT SHOULD I DO?!"
But then, I came home and googled all about NS, and it turned out quite okay. Through people's experience, it doesn't sound all that bad, :)
So I let Chansung off with a little closing..
k bye, :)
A very short update,
...Before I off my iTouch and sleep, :)
Done the header, ooh yeah, it's my 구구 boy :)) Edited by me.
The icons of my other lovelies at the side are hotlinked from photobucket T_T, wait, I've no time to do my own yet. Bear with me!
So yeah. Basically that's it. The main picture is still Ke$ha, cos I'm no blonde, ;) Will upload mine next time, ;)
I'm loving my new spiffy look, whoohoo! G'nights! :)
Done the header, ooh yeah, it's my 구구 boy :)) Edited by me.
The icons of my other lovelies at the side are hotlinked from photobucket T_T, wait, I've no time to do my own yet. Bear with me!
So yeah. Basically that's it. The main picture is still Ke$ha, cos I'm no blonde, ;) Will upload mine next time, ;)
I'm loving my new spiffy look, whoohoo! G'nights! :)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
so What's UP ?! :D
What's up with me these days? Let me list it down, ):
1. Homework,
Loads and loads of it, I'm dying T_T;
2. Editorial Board,
I'm the Head of the Creative Design department, gaaah, edit pictures, layouts, you name it. D: ! But I LOVE my EB team!
3. National Service selection,
GAH, my friends got their results so fast, and now I'm sitting here, waiting for more than 24 hours for my freaking text. AM I GOING OR NOT?!?! I NEED MY ANSWER ASAP T_T! I need to be mentally prepared... ):
4. Talentime,
I know, it's SPM year and all, but this is the last year I'm going to perform on stage in front of my school, :') Anyway, we just had our auditions today and it was alright, although we screwed up here and there, but it's okay I guess. The judges gave good comments like "Really nice dance, expensive moves and it suits the music", but one thing was lack of coordination, SINCE I didn't really master my dance 100% yet, but it's alright~ Hopefully we can make it through! O: ! Monday's the result day, I'm scared~ T_T;
absolute-j, AJA! :)
5. BEAST fever?!
I know, it was like what, 4 weeks ago?? D: But the FEVER ain't over yet! Earlier today, I was in my class then one of my friend came and he told me "Eh! I saw you on TV yesterday night!" , and I was like "HOMG REALLY.", and yeah, it was aired on National TV~ X_X; Well, only 3 seconds of my closeup ! MY TV HAD to die yesterday night, or not I can get a chance to record it and pause it to take a picture with.. ME! LOLOL. And it's like a um, 32 inch LCD TV, so its like GIGANTIC LOL :D
Anyway, here's the video on YouTube! I love that kind soul who uploaded it there, :D !
And of course, Gikwang was standing beside me and that video is like so cleaaaaarr that he put his hand on my shoulder~ *_*!! He looked back to see if there was anything behind disrupting and then he was like, ok, nothing there, *puts* (LOL quote from my friend :D)
So UBERLY CUTEEEEEEEEEE, teehee! And I can see Doojoon running behind me! :D
I miss them boys, aaaaaaaaahhh~~!
Okay, that's all ! :DD ~ I need to go sleep now, nights! :D
1. Homework,
Loads and loads of it, I'm dying T_T;
2. Editorial Board,
I'm the Head of the Creative Design department, gaaah, edit pictures, layouts, you name it. D: ! But I LOVE my EB team!
3. National Service selection,
GAH, my friends got their results so fast, and now I'm sitting here, waiting for more than 24 hours for my freaking text. AM I GOING OR NOT?!?! I NEED MY ANSWER ASAP T_T! I need to be mentally prepared... ):
4. Talentime,
I know, it's SPM year and all, but this is the last year I'm going to perform on stage in front of my school, :') Anyway, we just had our auditions today and it was alright, although we screwed up here and there, but it's okay I guess. The judges gave good comments like "Really nice dance, expensive moves and it suits the music", but one thing was lack of coordination, SINCE I didn't really master my dance 100% yet, but it's alright~ Hopefully we can make it through! O: ! Monday's the result day, I'm scared~ T_T;
absolute-j, AJA! :)
5. BEAST fever?!
I know, it was like what, 4 weeks ago?? D: But the FEVER ain't over yet! Earlier today, I was in my class then one of my friend came and he told me "Eh! I saw you on TV yesterday night!" , and I was like "HOMG REALLY.", and yeah, it was aired on National TV~ X_X; Well, only 3 seconds of my closeup ! MY TV HAD to die yesterday night, or not I can get a chance to record it and pause it to take a picture with.. ME! LOLOL. And it's like a um, 32 inch LCD TV, so its like GIGANTIC LOL :D
Anyway, here's the video on YouTube! I love that kind soul who uploaded it there, :D !
So UBERLY CUTEEEEEEEEEE, teehee! And I can see Doojoon running behind me! :D
I miss them boys, aaaaaaaaahhh~~!
Okay, that's all ! :DD ~ I need to go sleep now, nights! :D
Saturday, July 10, 2010
the BEAST-ly aftermath.
It has been 2 weeks since that "omfg-unbelievable-iwannacry-ahhh-event", and of course, the week after that I had terrible hangovers because my love for BEAST started to grow. holyshiz.
And now I'm in ♥ with Doojoon & Gikwang,
And I regretted for not doing much when I had the chance. I really really wished I had another chance to say goodbye to Doojoon, because I want to see him smile when I leave the stage, and not " :/ " , ah damn.
Okay, enough with that, I miss him so much, ):
♥ A week after the "omfg-unbelievable-iwannacry-ahhh-event"
So we had our photography week after that superduperawesome weekend, and that week was HELLA BUSY. Standing under the hot sun, taking pictures, arranging little kiddies for their photo, skipping classes, crapping around with the awesome Editorial Board team, :)
We had a mini-carnival on that week's Friday, but all of a sudden, I was attacked my viral food poisoning, so I didn't get to go to school. It's the first time I dread staying at home and want to go to school. ROFL.
♥ Two weeks after the "omfg-unbelievable-iwannacry-ahhh-event"
So our hectic week was over, and we were back into the study mode again, well, 70% now. We still have English Day events and movies on Thursday. Then our Editorial Board has to work on our magazine already, so we're still busy in a way. Oh! And guess what, I finally know who my Japanese student is! :) Arisaaaaaaa! Hahaha. We were called to the Staff Office to meet up with one of our teacher, who is in-charge with handling Japanese students, so he gave us our partners. Gah, so excited! The plans for the 3D2N host is really awesome. Especially my friends who joined are all my buddies, eep! :) Can't wait, really. :D
August 2,3,4 ~~~!
Oh, speaking of which. Talentime, my sister and I registered for dancing. K-POP again yo! We don't plan to win, but we just want to express ourselves through K-POP in front of the school, :) Really awesome, but stressful.
Talentime's on July 30, which is on a Friday, and then AFTER that event, my dad will pick me up from school to go straight down to Taiping (my hometown), then we'll celebrate our relative's birthday there and we'll have a gathering, AND THEN, we'll come back on Sunday, THEN the Japanese students are with us on Monday till Thursday! :DDD
OMG, that week will be AWESOMEEEEEEEEE. CAN'T WAIT! ♥♥♥
Alright, time to study, g'bye, :)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
SO BEAST , Fan account !
So BEAST ! * my fan account ;
* * *
{Warning!: this is going to be a SPAZZY post, so everything here will be written in CAPS and will be really detailed as my feelings and everything WILL ALL BE WRITTEN DOWN! SO BEAR WITH IT PPL!}
Saturday, 270610 ★
So Universal Music Malaysia bought the BEAST boys to KL that day, :)
- ★The beginning ★-
- Had my tuition in the morning till the afternoon, was like so upset because I thought I would leave late, D: ! Left the house at 5.10pm.
eunnie made this placard, while I helped her with the designs! (:
pass to BEAST! :D
- Texted Chelle and we met up once we reached. It was like, 5.50pm that time. Met up with the whole BEASTLY BUNCH ! ♥ , There's 8 of us altogether and we were all squished in one line! Hahaha~ Crapped with the bunch and laughed so much, :) Then I called Dixxon and we met up! He's part of the media, so we couldn't see each other much, but it's alright :D
- Waited and waited like so freaking longg, sweating my ass out, :/ The media kept on taking pics of us to like, kill time or something LOL. Then I saw Dix up there and HAHAH, we posed for his camera with our placard ;D He also gave me the BEAST's poster which was supposed to be a "limited item" for the fans, gah, thank youuuuuu Dix! ♥ And you're not a loser for taking free stuff for me, :D
that's not dixx, but it's where the media stands. :D
we had to use the toilet, so my parents brought me to the hotel's toilet, woot woot! :D
- Queued up for a VERY long time, D: ! So longg, it's like 8pm already. Met some nice fans and we talked to them, :)
the sky was getting darker!
. and darker, O:
queued up till we managed to see this! (:
- And the management, gah, Universal Music Malaysia, was REALLY bad. The guards kept scolding us, and so many people fainted. The show was supposed to start at 7pm, but it started at 9 ? Like WTF, this is too much. The "fans with BEAST t-shirts get to go in first" rule was broken, everyone who wasn't wearing it/have the shirts also managed to go in first. -.-; Unfair much. And it was like 8pm, and they allowed a handful of people to go in there 2 by 2. Sloww like wtfs. But by 8.30pm, they were like, opening the gates to let the WHOLE FLOW of people to run up. So it was literally a mad house at that time, :/
And there was so many people fainting, pretend faint or real faint, I don't know O: But they get to be "carried" up by the staffs and brought into the showcase area there, which made all the fans feel upset because the people who "faint" gets an express pass. This includes saving of energy to walk up the stairs, :/ So the guards went all like "EVERYBODY FAINT LAH!" LOL.
- Chelle, Eun and I ran like mad people towards the showcase area, and felt quite contented that we were quite near the stage, so yay! :D But of course, Chelle wants to see them further up close, so she pushed her way through (with Eun and I straggling along) and got closer to the stage! (At the right side of the stage :D)
- Waited 15 minutes before the showcase started. They played all the BEAST's MV which made the fans SCREAMED like BEAST was the one singing LOL. Then they ran out of BEAST's songs, so they played 4Minute's MV, since they were under the same company, :D "Naega issue, issue, issue, issue!~ Hot issue!"
The fans really ARE K-POP fans! :D
*cough*, this is Hyunseung *cough*
- Then the MC came out and remind everyone to stop pushing, since there were so many fans there, omg. I thought I was gonna faint, D: ! I was a little out of breath and gah, didn't feel so well. I thought it was a hell of a torture. ):
- BEAST came out after 15 minutes! :) They performed "BEAST is the Best" as their intro, and their hit "Bad Girl". Gaahh, I swear, Gikwang and Doojoon is so freaaking hot in white ! *_*; In the beginning, Hyunseung came to our place quite often, but he didn't make much eye contact with any fans, so meehhh. He's not really my favourite, but eeeeek, look here lah ! Dongwoon approached our place too! Quite often, actually, :D White on BEAST is the SMEX!
aiseh, so hot right? :D
yoseob + junhyung + gikwang behind!
!! :DD !!
- Then then thennn, the MC was like asking all of us to not PUSH. But of course, fans can't really be controlled, so they still did, :/ The embarrassing thing was, the MC couldn't take it anymore, so he actually asked BEAST to tell us not to push, but of course, they said it all in Korean. There was this brave fan who shouted "CANNOT UNDERSTAND!", wtf. The MC after wards just went on with the "questionnaire" thing. Questions like; "What do you think about Malaysia", and all. But when it came to the question "What do you think about Malaysian fans?", then Dongwoon went "So beautiful", LOL. That made the crowd wilddddddddddd.
-They performed "Mystery" afterwards! "Neon jeongmal mystery, mystery, mystery!" then they cooled off with their ballad, "Easy".
hot hot hot ~
- ★The unexpected ★-
- They went backstage to change their costume after the performance. In the meantime, the emcee for the event, Jeff, said "I'll choose 3 lucky ladies to be on stage to dance to "Shock". The winner will be able to get a group picture with BEAST!". I heard that, and I was like "Oh, okay.", and I wasn't desperate or anything because I'm not really a HUGE HUGE HUGE BEAST fan. So when the emcee walked towards my area, I tried my luck by putting my hand up while he was searching for the "one", (At that time, one lucky lady was already chosen and was up at the stage already). So when he was finding for the "one", I looked at him and smiled, while saying "mememememe~", but I wasn't shouting. In the end, we made eye contact and he said "That lady over there!", and the fans infront of me were doing the "me?" sign while I was doing it too, but he replied to my "sign" and said "Yes, you.". And I can see everyone around me looking at me, O///o; Then, the fans had to made way for me to get to the bar to cross to the other side towards the stage. The guards have to carry me over LOL. The bar is too high, -,-; So I walked up the stage, while leaving my bags behind (the security asked me to), and go on stage. At that time, the first lucky lady was there and I quickly asked her "Do you know how to dance Shock?", and she was like shaking her head. She looked quite nervous, O: . Then, the third lucky lady got chosen while we were chatting. So now, 3 contestants are here to compete to get the "grand prize", GAH. Dixx was at the media area, which was below the stage and he kept on giving me "WTF?!?!!? WHY ARE YOU UP THERE" looks, HAHAHAH.hehe, the screen.
The emcee asked us our name and then he started the contest by choosing the first lucky lady to dance to "Shock", so she did.
Afterwards, it was my turn, DD: ! So nervous, but I did my best. The "I'm sorry jebal naege dashi dorawajeulae" part wasn't so clear to me, so the music died down and the emcee asked me, "Do you want another chance?", then I quickly said "Yes.". The emcee asked me to sing which part I want to dance to, so I immediately thought of the part "Oh, oh, oh, tonight, so so crazy. Come back back back to me, I'm waiting for you, you", so I sang it out. The crowd was being so nice to me, because they were like "OHHHH~~!!", aishh, thanks :D ~ Then the emcee asked them to sing that part for me to dance, so they did, and I danced. My dance is not accurate, but at least there's some "shape" to it, hahaha! My turn was over after that. Then it was the third lucky lady's turn to dance.
-After we danced solo, the emcee said that we should dance altogether. So we did, along with the crowd's singing. :) Then the emcee suddenly said "Oh, the boys need more time to change and rest. So why not we add this bonus round to add your points?" Omg, this is like totally stressing me out. I was like "pleasepleasepleaseee.". Then he announced that we have to sing to "Shock", just the chorus. The bad thing was, I was the first one to be picked, omg. So I cleared my throat in the mic, and the emcee was like "(copies my *ahem*), Give her support! It's not easy to sing infront of so many people, you know very shy lah", and then the crowd were cheering and clapping loudly, :) . Them the emcee began his countdown, "one, two, three.", and I held the mic and sang. LOL. "Every day I shock, SHOCK! Every night I shock, SHOCK! I'm sorry jebal naege dashi dorawajeulae!", and WOW. There IS FAN-CHANTS! LOL. They said "SHOCK!" together with me. :) And when I wanted to go into the next "Everyday I shock" part, the cheers were so loud until I had to stop. XD ~ You guys are so supportiveee! Gaah, thankssss! :))
gaaah, it's so weird. O:
- The second and third lucky ladies sang after me. And then, the emcee started to say; "I'll point to a lady, and you guys must shout as loud as you can to show your support for her.", so he pointed at ME first again! :S
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!~~!!!!" (emcee does the orchestra *music is to be silent now* gesture), but the crowd still went on cheering!, omg.
The second and third lady got support too. But the emcee said "So I think you guys know who is the winner!". And everyone screamed, it was me! Eeep! And of course, I felt so happy! The adrenaline rush just made me go ASD:LFAKLDFA:FKL;
As a reward of our participation, the emcee gave each of us AUTOGRAPHED BEAST POSTERS! :) So yeah! I was reaaally happy that time :D
my face says it all, HAHA
us with our posters! omg, my angle is bad D:
-★ Before The climax ★-
The emcee then asked me to stand by the side of the stage, while he grabbed my poster away and I was like "NO WAY!", LOL. Then the emcee said "Don't worry, the people will give you back, just give yours to me first". (He was planning to throw mine to the fans as a crowd pleaser, BUT MY POSTER IS AUTOGRAPHED?!?! OMG). So the staff came in with a bunch of rolled up posters, and I quickly gave it to the emcee because I WANT MY POSTER BACK!
iA mode not turned on, so it's blur ):
standing at the side of the stage!
So I managed to take it from him, phew. Luckily man, or not the fan who took mine will be like "Eh cool! Mine's autographed!" OO: !
After throwing 3 to 4 BEAST posters around the hall, the emcee started to say "Okay, I think the boys are almost finish. So let us call them out, shall we? When I say SO you say BEAST! Okay?! So, BEAST! So BEAST!" , the fans shouteddddddd, and the emcee said "SO HERE COMES THE BOYS!" But then I took a peek behind of me, I could see the Korean female manager trying to call the boys to come out. But they didn't, so the emcee was like "Oh. It seems that you all have to shout more. So once again, I say SO you say BEAST! Okay?" and the routine goes on, and WHEN the emcee says "...PRESENT YOU THE BOYS!",..
-★During The climax ★-
..then 6 handsome and stunning boys walked out of the backstage in red, walking towards me while bowing, I bowed to them too, because it's a sign of respect, LOL. So I said "annyeonghaseyo" to each and every one of them, but I was TOO EXCITED to speak! My gosh, when they came out from the backstage, it was like "OMG, THEY ARE COMING TOWARDS ME OMFG, ARE THEY REAL?!", and I was too stunned so I stood rooted on the spot! Gikwang stood so close to me, like just really really beside me and he looked at me, nodded and smiledd!! So cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee! The emcee came to me and said something, I forgotten what he said though, GAH. My mind was like blanked out! T__T; I kept looking at Gikwang because he stood beside me, and he stood REAL CLOSE. But anyway, they said "congratulations" to me, and I kept saying "kamsahamnida!" (thank you) to them~ So we took our first shot together! Gikwang stood so close to me and he put his hand on my shoulder! OMG. I didn't know that at first, but there was this fan who met me later, she told me that he did, so yeah. LOL. But of course, I felt something warm on my shoulder, but I didn't actually turned my head and looked at it, or not it'll be awkward hahaha. Doojoon was behind us at that time, he did two peaces, but I think he got kinda blocked by us.. So after that shot, he quickly ran towards me and squatted down in front of me! I was like "O_O!" at that that time, shocked!
doojoon: HAY! *gets blocked*
me: -still posing-
doojoon: -runs in front-
gikwang: -looks- O_O
me: OH YAY!
then everyone is happy, :D
LOL SORRY, cheesy editing. Just want to amplify their emotions ;D
He did the peace sign, while I did it above his head, HAHA! So cuteeeeeeeeeee, I can see his head infront of me, and gaaaah. It's brown, styled, and dry, LOL. I resisted the urge to POOF it, omggg. But while I was doing the peace thingys, I can feel strands of his hair brushing against my hands. Omg, (: So so so so adorable!! And Gikwang's hand has NEVER left my shoulder! XD We stayed in that position for 5 seconds, gah. The feeling was so nice. My smile was uncontrollable, and I can't seem to relax my face HAHA. And the bodies behind my back, gaah! Warm and bouncy, because of their coats. LOL. And the smell, a bit like clothes which just got out from dry cleaning and a hint of perfume, waaaggh! So so so nicee (: After that, the shoot was over, then I turned to Gikwang to say "thank you" to him, because of that, he put his hand down from my shoulder and held his mic to say "thank you" back to me too. Doojoon stood up and turned behind to say "thank you" to me, and GAH. I didn't get to say it back to him, because I was too busy saying thank you to Hyunseung and all -.-; And when I went down the stage, Doojoon was like "There she goes, :/" , GAH. I didn't get to say anything to himmmm. Dongwoon was looking at me too. So sorry Doojoon oppa, T_T; Stupid emcee, pulled me away, ):
Anyway I can remember looking at Yoseob's face while he smiled his usual bubbly smile at me, and Gikwang's eye contact.. OMG. His eyes, Gikwang's eyes! So sparkly, and I think he was wearing contacts because it was a bit brownish, but anyway, KYAAAAH! He smiled at me the most, so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! :////) !! And I also can remember Doojoon giving me that smirk-ish smile, :)))
Gah, I love this person who uploaded the video of this happening, :) I was too stunned to recall anything.
Okay, pic spam of the event NOW! :D
credits; k-popped!
credits; advertlets
credits; my friend's friend's FB
The first shot before Doojoon ran to sit infront of me XD
The first shot before Doojoon ran to sit infront of me XD
credits; some Korean fancafe,
LOL they cropped till my hand only, but my awesomesauce
watch is there! :D
credits; railroad-of-japan@blogspot
credits; tirablurb@blogspot
Awesome closeup of Gikwang's hand, omggg~
Junhyung you JOKER!

credits; someone's FB (if you know, please do tell me!)
Hehe, the big screen there is ♥
-★After The climax ★-
Then they led me down the stage where all the hot translator, emcees, tv reporters were. I didn't have any camera at that time so I can't do anything. :/ But the translator is hot too! :D The fans were beside me, but they were standing by the gate to divide the stage and the audience. The guards guarding that area was looking at me like O_O; , idk why though. O: The bad thing about that area is, you're actually watching the performance from the side, so you don't really have the feel of it, :/
Anyway, I just stood there for 10 minutes then I had to go. The guards then opened the gate that the fans were basically "clinging" on, then they let me in. Of course, the fans did all their best to get to that part of the gate, so they looked at me with that "eye" that says "don't stay here, it's our spot". So yeah, I went behind to the open space area there to stand. I felt so much better there, because my lungs felt so tight earlier so now I felt so much better. Then I just stood there till the whole showcase ended.
The boys performed "Special", and then the lucky draw event where another fan was invited onstage and the boys will sing a song for her. I envy this fan too~! Thank god I'm not a huge fan or not I'll die to be her, hahaha~!
Anyway, I just stood there for 10 minutes then I had to go. The guards then opened the gate that the fans were basically "clinging" on, then they let me in. Of course, the fans did all their best to get to that part of the gate, so they looked at me with that "eye" that says "don't stay here, it's our spot". So yeah, I went behind to the open space area there to stand. I felt so much better there, because my lungs felt so tight earlier so now I felt so much better. Then I just stood there till the whole showcase ended.
The boys performed "Special", and then the lucky draw event where another fan was invited onstage and the boys will sing a song for her. I envy this fan too~! Thank god I'm not a huge fan or not I'll die to be her, hahaha~!
nice hair Hyunseung. O:
yknow, both of the look quite alike! O:
gikwang's super duper cute stare!
After this, the boys performed SHOCK! :D The best song in the history of all best songs. :DDDD
*ehem ehem*
After this performance, they bid farewell to the crowd. Before going back to the backstage, Dongwoon said: “I love Malaysia!” and upon hearing the fans’ excitement, Doojoon popped out from backstage and added, “Me too!”. Hahaha~! So cute! But sadly I didn't get to catch that part! T_T
Then the emcee said that the boys are coming out for the autograph signing session. We were like, hysterical. The area that I was in which earlier was empty and open spaced, became cramped and packed with so so so so many fans. And once again, I'm squashed like sardines, T_T; But it's okay, because I'm really lucky to be in the area which the queue of the autograph session starts.
It took me 15 minutes to get my autograph. Not bad huh? But considering all the pushing and all, it was like a very long wait. Some fans recognized me as the "girl who went up there and took a picture with them". They congratulated me and we talked, it was really nice. (:
Then it was my turn to go up there; (No pictures, I don't have a camera with me T_T)
my sister took this. IT'S YOU, DIXX! :D
handsome boys ;A;
So I got my autograph signed by them! :) So happy.
I said "annyeonghaseyo" to Dongwoon, he said it back to me. :) Then I smiled at Hyunseung, he was like smiling back, but on this time, he wasn't too friendly. :/ I said "oppa saranghaeyo" < it's the world's stupidest line ever, I know T_T; to Doojoon and he smiled back to me, a thankful smile. Then I saw Gikwang, I waved to him and said hi to him too, and he smiled and said hi back and his face was lit with recognition. So so so happy. :D Then Yoseob, I just said thank you to him, and he said it back too and smiled. Teehee, the boys are so so so hot~ :D
Then I walked towards the exit, then the 8TV interviewers stopped me. They wanted an interview O:
Int. & Me :
(A lady staff of the people were like "Jo Lyn! Jo Lyn!" -points at me-)
"Jo Lyn! How did you feel when you were up stage?"
"I felt so happy and nervous at the same time!"
"Who are your favourite members?"
"Doojoon and Gikwang!"
(and they were like "huh?" LOL, they don't know lol)"So what do you want to say to them?"
"OPPA SARANGHAEYO!" (I HATE MYSELF FOR SAYING THIS STUPID LINE, SO COMMON! T_T;)(and they were like "whaaat?" again. so I had to repeat myself)
"Do you think you can sleep tonight?"
"I don't think so! HAHAHA" (actually I can, LOL)Then I waved to the camera! :D
-★The ending ★-
I walked back down, feeling the adrenaline rush inside me, woooh. Then I waited at the stairs just before the exit because my sister is still getting her autograph. While waiting, 3 fan girls came to me and wanted to take a picture with me. I was like "O_O", wow! LOL. So we took,
So glad I can find them back on Facebook, :) Carmen, Jia Ee and the rest! Thanks guys~
Then they congratulated me and I felt so happy, :)
I was still waiting there, then there's quite a number of fans who came to me and congratulated me and took pictures with me, :) Really glad to hear that many of them supported me and all, gaaah~
Called my sis and met up, then she was like "OMG YOU LUCKY!", hahaha. Miss her, LOL :D Then we went back to the hotel Equatorial to meet my parents. On the way there, a guy suddenly called my name and said that I was so lucky and all, hahah. It's so funny to see strangers remembering you and all, XD
On the way back, I bought a "BEAST LEE GI KWANG!" phone charm, to remind me of that awesome night. :) Saw Jia Ling while walking back, then she ran and hugged me immediately, LOL. I know she wanted to get that BEAST touch from me. LOL!
Met my parents, mum was like "OMG YOU SERIOUS?!" because she can't believe it, hahaha. Ate McD chicken burger for dinner, and told my mum EVERYTHING until 2am. :D
That's all, :) Really glad that luck shone upon me, hahah~
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